Ship Projects was founded in 2018 by a few eager engineers with a power plant design background.

Over the years, the company’s team has grown, with diverse profile specialists who have great knowledge across various engineering segments and industries.

Our vision

There is only one way how to do business – the sustainable way. We are here with our energy and knowledge to help our clients move their businesses towards sustainability. 

Our scope of work is to maintain and improve existing infrastructure and develop new solutions in the form of innovation.

Our values

We get things done. There is no higher thrill for an engineer’s heart than to see that his solution solves the problem and works in real life.

Our philosophy

A holistic approach to problem-solving! 

That means providing support that looks at the whole situation, not just a particular problem or need. From experience, we can see that there is more than one way how to solve a problem. To see the best ways we need to keep our minds open

ShipProjects Board

Martins Fridenbergs


Janis Nagla


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